Coaching for Parents of Teens and Tweens
At Teen Savvy Coaching, owner and executive director, Samantha Straub, helps invested parents of teens and tweens step into their parenting role with calm and confidence. Adolescence is a time of significant transition for teens–and also for their parents. As kids naturally seek greater independence and peer connections take center stage, the parent-child relationship often needs renegotiating. On the one hand, this renegotiation presents many exciting opportunities for families. On the other hand, it leaves the door open for increased conflict, disconnection, and feelings of confusion and overwhelm–for kids and their parents. This is where Teen Savvy can be of service.
How Does Teen Savvy Help?
No one is born knowing how to raise a child, much less a teenager, and most people’s parenting know-how comes from having been a kid once themselves. Parents can sometimes feel like they’re all alone or like they’re making up their parenting strategy as they go.
The good news is that parents don’t have to go on this parenting journey alone and they don’t have to wing it.
One-to-One Parent Coaching
Teen Savvy offers individual parent coaching packages in which clients receive tailored education, support, and guidance around their most pressing parenting concerns. Clients bring the expertise on their child and their family to the table. Parenting coach, Samantha Straub, brings her expertise on adolescent development, psychology, education, and communication tools to the mix. She collaborates with her clients to help them show up as the parents their growing children need.
Teen Savvy Parenting Masterclass
In the Teen Savvy Parenting Masterclass, participants come together with other parents of teens for live, weekly, online classes. In each session, participants can expect a mini lesson from their coach on a parenting topic followed by opportunities for individual Masterclass members to raise specific concerns and receive direct guidance from their coach as well as insights and input from fellow group members. Participants’ parenting know-how increases, along with their connection to a supportive group of peers. The benefits of being a part of a parenting tribe cannot be overstated, especially for parents of teens!
Samantha Straub, Parenting Coach
A veteran educator and long-time school counselor with a clinical counseling license, Sam has spent her entire career supporting teens and the adults who care for them. She blends vast professional expertise with her sense of humor and authenticity to help parents navigate the ups and downs of raising teens. Clients appreciate her down-to-Earth and non-judgemental approach. Further, Sam is a parent of two teens herself. She’s been in the trenches and understands firsthand the rollercoaster ride that comes with raising adolescents.

Teen Savvy is an affiliate of Waypoint. Reach out to Teen Savvy or Sam Straub directly to learn more about parent coaching or Teen Savvy’s other services.